Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Diet, stress and lack of sleep

I started my diet yesterday, its only suppose to be for a couple of weeks to get back on track since I been junking too much lately. So first week I'm being stricter.

Breakfast: Coffee with low fat milk / Cafe con leche (low fat)
Lunch: Tuna salad - Which I didnt finish because i just wasn't hungry
Dinner: Piece of chicken, spinach and some tempe

I couldnt sleep last night again... tried to go to bed early about 11.30pm but just couldnt get to sleep so got up and came online, was practising some spanish. Jumped back into bed about 2am but I probably didnt get to sleep till like 3am .... and then I got owken up by this massize storm at 5am and that was it I could not go back to sleep.... I resigned myself to my fate and got out of bed at 6am... sat here and sorted out my bills... its about 8.19am now and I am exhausted, not to mention that I have a long day today.. shit.. I need a fuckin break!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Kicked out of the Ritz

LMFAO.... I was googling to find that email invitation from Citibank Intern I got in my mail box last week to post to a friend, its on my work email which I probably deleted, but I wanted a friend to read it so I googled it and ... and there are now Lucy Gao Tshirts( https://www.cafepress.com/nycbuzz/1771476)!! buuahahahaha... its fucking funny....

Check out the original email and other commentary posted on http://lucygao.blogspot.com/

Yellow ribbons

Well I know my last blog was all about how I'm such a busy person and no time for my fun at Salsa class... LOL.. but on Friday... i took a couple of hours off work to hit the streets to sell yellow ribbons as part of my company's community outreach programme. We volunteered 250 people to participate in selling yellow ribbons as part of the yellow ribbon foundation here (http://www.yellowribbon.org.sg/). The yellow ribbon foundation aims to raise funds in support of ex-offenders and their families. Supporting families of ex-offenders and rehabilitation programmes to get ex-convicts back into society. As its tag line says "Help unlock the second prison".

I know its kinda a weird charity to be supporting... LOL.. but I guess my Company beleives insupporting a wide range of charities and most of the sick and needy already get alot of support in terms of donations...

So I stationed myself a couple of blocks away from my office in the central business district, it was actually my designated area and ask random passer bys for their contribution... some people just walked away and acted like I didnt exist.. there werent that many of those sorts.. thank god... some just said no and walked by hurriedly... some stopped to ask what it was about... most gave loose change or a couple of dollars... one guy gave me 50 bucks... and told me that this was his favorite charity... I was shocked and couldnt even contain my surprise... i thanked him and was beaming ... LOL.. maybe he's an ex-con.. LMAO...

Anyway, as busy as I am, I don't think any of us are too big or important not to take time out to give back to the people that need it... I wish i did more in terms of charity work, but I really don't know how I would be in terms of dealing with kids and old folk. I know my company does have programmes with homes where you take the kids out or go visit homes... Im not so sure I'm ready for all that yet... but I'm sure I'll find my own thing to help give a little back...

Missed Salsa this week...

So I didnt make it to my 2nd Salsa class this week.... work got in the way... i left work 10pm.. almost got locked out of my clients office.. cos I went to the bathroom at about 9pm and tried to come back into the office through the security pass doors..and my security pass wouldn work.. LOL... after a certain time you need to enter a pin code.. and I didnt know my pin code... i was like HELLLLLL NOOOO... all my stuff was still in the office.. LOL.. lucky some chicks walked by after i was standing there for like 5 mins.. and i asked them if they could let me in.. LOL.. they told me that the pin code was the last 4 digits on my security pass... DOH!!!

My project is in its final month.. I hope.. LOL>. it was in its final month 2 monhts ago... and I've already started another project.. which is more or less running itself.. but I do have to get involved and fight the fights and make the decisions.... but its wearing me down again with all this work...

Times like this you sit back and go well what the hell am I doing all this for??? More SHOES??? Certainly not...they don't pay me enough...

I come home looking forward to be online with a really good friend who has been my saving grace for the last few months.. but he's now on a different time schedule so we don't get to chat... so just a couple of emails here and there a day...

Oh well.. im sure I'll find something else to keep me entertained.. ... In the meantime.. i think I should seriously start planning my next vacation....