Monday, November 08, 2004

Are we all just at a crossroads in our lives? I would assume so, hitting 30 soon, have nothing to show for ourselves except what is on the surface. We have our cars, boyfriends (sometimes), jobs (as opposed to careers) and are still hip with things at the lastest seen and be seen.

So fucking what one might ask, well truth is.. nothing! What do we want? Well i think thats the mother of questions here, if we knew we wouldn't be where we are straggling between cloud 9 and eternal damnation. The go-getters out there know what they want, they are the ones with the good grades, the great jobs, buying themselves their first homes now. Me, i'm almost 30 with no savings and no career. Am i happy, well yea maybe. Am i proud of my acheivements, well no not really. Do i want more out of my life, well i really dunno. Is there more?

Life is what you make it out to be. And at this point I'm making it out to be a flouting cloud, just flouting through that wide blue sky we call life. Sometimes, i well up and let out a storm, sometimes the wind carries me with energy and gusto to do the things i want to do in life, sometimes i just sit there waiting for things to happen, and sometimes i just disappear.

What brings this banter on? I played hookie today cos i just didn't feel like going to work, about the 2nd time this month, not to count the other time when i decided to just go into work at noon. I am so sick of it and i know i should do somethign about it. Yes am at a crossroads and my mind wants to get up and go do somethign about it, but my lazy ass jsut chooses not to move. Who can i blame but myself. Every year i go through the same shit. Its turning another year older that does that to ya.


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